10 ways to manage your time more effectively

Do you know how expensive it is to ineffectively manage your time? It’s expensive to yourself (burnout and stress) and expensive to the organization (lowered productivity). Read on to find 10 ways to manage your time more effectively.
Resources to elevate self-awareness

Want to elevate your self-awareness? Here are 31 curated resources to help you.
What are your communication preferences?

How do you prefer to receive and share information? Help your team understand each other better and be more productive.
Discover your work style

What’s your preferred way of working? Hot buttons? Help your team understand each other better and be more productive.
Reflected Best Self Exercise

We’re often blind to our own strengths. Use this exercise to understand how others perceive you and to gain awareness around your unique value proposition.
4 crucial elements for holding effective & productive meetings

One of the biggest things I hear from clients, sponsors, and stakeholders is that #1) meetings take up too much of their time; #2) meetings AREN’T productive and often they aren’t even sure of the purpose of the meeting or why they were included. YIKES. This is an expensive inefficiency. Here’s how to make your meetings effective & productive. Pro tip: this takes strong leadership to implement and sustain.
Best practices for onboarding new employees

I don’t know about you, but in my 14+ years of working in the corporate world, I only experienced excellent onboarding in one job. Every other job though? Hot messes! I was consistently sent into the fire and told to “figure it out” as I go.
What is managing up and tips for managing up

Managing up is a crucial skill to have, especially when so many leaders haven’t received leadership training.
7 crucial tips for being a highly-effective leader

Here are my top tips for being a highly-effective leader. If you’re aiming to develop your leadership skills, it’s going to take effort, time, and patience. Be realistic with yourself and most importantly, be kind to yourself.
How to give up control and delegate

This is something extremely common I hear leaders struggling with; most importantly, I hear it as a frustration from people about their boss or someone in their organization who is a micromanager or can’t let go and delegate. The ability to loosen your grip will actually make you more successful as a leader.
How to take charge of your own growth and development

I consistently have people tell me that they are disengaged, unmotivated, or unclear of a path for growth within their company. And then I also hear some of you tell me that you think you’ve accomplished everything you’ve wanted to accomplish in your job and are seeking other ways to grow and develop yourself.
How to conduct stay interviews that are effective

Stay interviews are essential if you care and see the benefits of retaining talent. “Employers can’t fix what they don’t understand” was the quote in a recent article I read; if you aren’t regularly conducting stay interviews, then you don’t truly understand why people are choosing to leave the organization.