Your Premier Executive Coaching Partner

Enhancing Leadership Capabilities Within Your Organization

Hi, I'm Amber!

As an ICF-Credentialed Executive Leadership Coach who is certified in Hogan assessments, one of only 16 hand-picked Executive Coaches of Penn State University, and a Certified Professional in Management through the American Management Association, I bring a wealth of expertise to my practice and our relationship. I’m well-equipped to support leaders in their development. I proudly collaborate with senior and mid-level leaders from both public and private organizations, including LightBox, FedTech, and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

In today’s fast-paced world of business, leadership development is often overlooked. It’s not a flashy solution or a quick fix, but it’s a necessary strategy to drive long-term success. Adaptability is key in navigating today’s rapidly evolving landscape, and leaders need different things now than they’ve needed in the past. What worked well then doesn’t necessarily work well now or in the future.

In my coaching practice, I focus on helping leaders navigate challenges with limited resources, build leadership bench strength, and refine their skills to stay competitive. The leaders I coach consistently achieve elevated leadership abilities, improved self-awareness, and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness. They successfully build high-performing teams, foster self-accountability, and navigate resistance to change more effectively, leading to promotions, increased confidence, and mastery over their time and energy.

I am here to boost your organization’s leadership through coaching, training facilitation, or strategic advising. To get started, schedule a complimentary consultation with me today.

How We Can Work Together

Individual Leaders

If you’re an individual leader, it’s time to invest in your future. 

Do you find yourself feeling: stagnant, stuck, unchallenged, insecure, stressed, or overwhelmed in your current role?

Instead of immediately abandoning ship, let’s collaborate to see if one-on-one leadership coaching might push you toward your goals or open your eyes to your potential.

Some of the ways we can work together include:

  • Executive & Leader Coaching
  • Career Advancement Coaching
  • Career Transition Coaching
  • Career Exploration Coaching
  • Hogan Assessments

Organizations & Teams

If you’re a leader of people, it’s time to invest in your bottom line. 

A powerful thing happens when your leaders excel – it creates a domino effect, laying the groundwork for even more success. But excellence doesn’t happen by accident.

If you’re experiencing a high attrition rate, team complaints about leadership, or burnt-out leaders, you should consider coaching.

Some of the ways we can push your team toward success include:

  • Executive & Leader Coaching
  • Hogan Assessments
  • Manager Growth Sessions
  • Leadership Pipelines & Succession Planning
  • Training Workshops
  • Strategic Advising


What's The ROI of Executive Coaching?

The ROI for executive coaching is high because of the multiplier effect, which works both ways: dysfunctional behavior is contagious, while functional behavior can be taught. 

High-performing leaders and employees exhibit effective behavior that others notice, emulate and teach. Research shows that Executive Coaching consistently yields a return on investment (ROI) exceeding 500%, showcasing its substantial impact on personal and organizational growth.

Source: Right Management
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Source: Lore Research
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Source: The Manchester Group
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Source: Metrix Global, LLC
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The Latest from the Blog

Time to review your reviews

Too often, performance reviews feel like a dreaded task—awkward, rushed, and uncomfortable. But they don’t have to be. With the right approach, you can turn these reviews into powerful conversations that inspire growth and connection.

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It’s you, not the questions you ask

It’s not just about the questions you ask—your delivery and demeanor can make or break the impact. Are you creating the kind of space where real insight and growth can happen? Discover three key ways to shift your approach and transform your conversations.

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Are you making bad decisions?

Is your decision-making style be sabotaging your success? How do you ensure you’re making the right choices? Read more to explore how your decision-making process could be your biggest asset—or your biggest hurdle.

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What Clients are Saying

Executive LeaderOutdoor Education Organization
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Having a coach has provided me with professional mentorship, a sounding board, and a neutral lens into working through growth opportunities at work. By having someone on my team, but removed from the workplace, I feel that I have someone both rooting for me, being honest with me, and helping me realize exactly what I'm capable of. Having Amber as an Executive Coach has helped me evolve as a more confident leader, a clearer communicator and helped me navigate challenging situations in ways that stay true to my personal values and professional goals.
Assistant DirectorAlumni Career Services, Higher Education
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Amber excels as a subject matter expert on leadership and career development and as an insightful presenter. She provides easy-to-understand, actionable steps to empower individuals to advance their careers. Amber's approach to coaching sets her apart in her ability to provide unique insights and a fresh perspective which she incorporates into her presentations. Her practical advice leaves a lasting impact on her audience.

Amber's genuine care for people and their success is evident. Whether it's guiding leaders to foster healthier workplace environments or helping individuals find personal fulfillment in their careers.

I had the pleasure of working with Amber as an Alumni Expert. Her enthusiasm, knowledge of current workforce trends, and common-sense approach with attainable action steps were just a few commendations Amber received from the audience. As a career coach for more than 15 years, I was able to apply some of her strategies to my own career growth.
Chief Operating Officer (COO)Tech Company
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As a lifelong student in the art of effective leadership, having Amber Waugaman as my coach has been incredibly valuable. Things I thought I had learned in my 20s have been revisited and polished. She holds me accountable and makes me a better leader each time we speak. As I continue to transition into an executive role within my company, Amber has become one of my closest confidants. I am so grateful to have access to her unique coaching style and would recommend her service to anyone who oversees others and wants to be better.
Executive LeaderArt Education Organization
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Because of her, I landed my DREAM JOB with a 50% increase in pay, plus more work-life balance, time off, and more. I honestly can't recommend Amber enough. She has been so strategic, supportive, and genuine. She was the missing piece to help me get unstuck, and I plan to keep working with her, because I know she's going to keep elevating my professional skills.
Senior LeaderArts & Entertainment Industry
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Thank you again for helping me think differently about work and leadership. Because of our work together, I have been a lot more direct (respectfully) and I speak the hard truth. I ask more about the goal or the outcome and I delegate more intentionally.
Senior Vice President (SVP)Arts & Entertainment Industry
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Bringing Amber on board for coaching has been a game-changer for our team. The impact on confidence and collaboration is remarkable. Amber's approach is spot-on, making the whole experience not just effective but genuinely enjoyable. I wholeheartedly recommend her for anyone looking to level up their team dynamics and individual growth.
Leadership ExecutiveMarketing
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Amber is a terrific executive coach and strategic business advisor. I engaged Amber to coach marketing leaders in my team who were new to leadership. She took a thoughtful approach unique to each individual that directly led to increased confidence, stronger team relationships, and skill development of my team. Amber was a valuable advisor to me throughout the process and I plan to work with her again in the future.
Associate DirectorGovernment Organization
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Amber is dedicated to the study of leadership and career development. When I worked with her, Amber didn't give me a cookie cutter formula to follow. She asked a lot of questions about my company, my work, and the players involved to come up with a plan tailored to our individual situation.

Whenever we speak, it seems she always has some new study, article, or general insight to share about corporate strategies and employee relationships. For that reason, I always look forward to her newsletters which always have topics that are relatable to my workplace.

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