Letting go could be your greatest leadership strength
Do you find it hard to let go of control as a leader? Embracing an outcome-agnostic approach can be one of your greatest strengths, empowering your team, boosting creativity, and fostering growth. Explore practical ways to build trust, reduce stress, and lead with flexibility in this article.
Time to review your reviews
Too often, performance reviews feel like a dreaded task—awkward, rushed, and uncomfortable. But they don’t have to be. With the right approach, you can turn these reviews into powerful conversations that inspire growth and connection.
It’s you, not the questions you ask
It’s not just about the questions you ask—your delivery and demeanor can make or break the impact. Are you creating the kind of space where real insight and growth can happen? Discover three key ways to shift your approach and transform your conversations.
Who should receive leadership coaching?
Who should receive leadership coaching to maximize its impact? Despite the clear benefits, many organizations hesitate to invest in leadership coaching due to budget constraints.
Compliance versus Commitment
As a leader – do you want to focus on cultivating the commitment of your team members or do you want a team that follows your orders and directions and who revere authority?
The missing piece in learning
One huge reason that learning and training is ineffective is because there is no plan in place to test out the new skills and behaviors and to receive ongoing support. Training is useless without this missing piece.
How to create a culture of accountability
Many organizations struggle at creating a culture of accountability. While it’s definitely something that is more helpful when it’s done at a higher-level, there are certain things you can do to implement this on your team, or across several teams.
Most training fails: 4 ways to implement learning for maximum impact
If you want your training and development to have the highest ROI (return on investment) and value for the organization, here are 4 strategies.
Revealing 6 leadership responsibilities that might surprise you
When I coach leaders, there are often “ah-ha” moments around learning what is expected of a leader and what they are empowered to do. Here are 6 responsibilities of a leader that might surprise you.
What are your communication preferences?
How do you prefer to receive and share information? Help your team understand each other better and be more productive.
Discover your work style
What’s your preferred way of working? Hot buttons? Help your team understand each other better and be more productive.
5 dangers of a workplace martyr
The workplace martyr. We all know who this person is (or maybe it’s lots of people if the organization has created a culture that rewards face time over output/accomplishments). Work martyrs most likely don’t realize how their behavior affects others.