I created these resources to go along with a monthly development topic of elevating self-awareness. I’ll be posting one each day on here as we go along.
Day 1: free personality test ▶️ https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
Day 2: free personality assessment ▶️ https://principlesyou.com/archetypes
Day 3: learn your learning style ▶️ http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles-quiz.shtml
Day 4: gain clarity around your values ▶️ lifevaluesinventory.org
Day 5: understand how others perceive you & your unique value proposition ▶️ http://awcoach.co/reflected-best-self-exercise
Day 6: use this interest profiler to discover career fit ▶️ https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip
Day 7: Know Your Skills (UC Berkeley Career Center) ▶️ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nl4-uxa2MOZtUUpM8cE2zHnPCToE66w2Ml6M4qy5Ask/edit
Can also find this here ▶️ https://career.berkeley.edu/start-exploring/career-essentials/gain-clarity/self-assessment/
Day 8: intellectual humility quiz ▶️ https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/quizzes/take_quiz/intellectual_humility
Day 9: How do you prefer to communicate? Do this yourself and with your team/boss/coworkers. ▶️ http://awcoach.co/what-are-your-communication-preferences
Day 10: Do you struggle with self-esteem? Take this test ▶️ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/tests/personality/self-esteem-test
Day 11: Take this personality test ▶️ https://bigfive-test.com/
Day 12: Schein’s Career Anchors: we approach our work with a specific set of priorities, skills, and values; better understand your career orientation to find fulfilling work ▶️ https://psycho-tests.com/test/sheins-career-anchors
Day 13: Do you have an implicit bias (gender, race, religion, skin-tone, disabilities, age, sexuality)? ▶️ https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/selectatest.html
Day 14: What are you tolerating? Give it a voice, prioritize, and take action. ▶️ http://awcoach.co/what-are-you-tolerating
Day 15: Are you a perfectionist? ▶️ https://www.verywellmind.com/quiz-are-you-a-perfectionist-4006910
Day 16: Are you a people pleaser? ▶️ https://psychologia.co/people-pleaser-quiz/
Day 17: What energizes you? Drains you? ▶️ https://www.howtofascinate.com/wellsprings-and-quicksand-how-to-identify-your-areas-of-performance
Day 18: Trust Test ▶️ https://www.oprah.com/omagazine/the-trust-test_1
Day 19: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) ▶️ https://psytests.org/eq/schutteen.html
Day 20: Egoism/Altruism Test ▶️ https://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/2089
Day 21: How well do you handle criticism? ▶️ https://this.deakin.edu.au/self-improvement/quiz-how-well-do-you-handle-criticism
Day 22: Discover your work style ▶️ http://awcoach.co/discover-your-work-style
Day 23: Journal prompts for self-discovery ▶️ https://psychcentral.com/blog/ready-set-journal-64-journaling-prompts-for-self-discovery
Day 24: Understand the why of our goals ▶️ download the worksheet
Day 25: Determine your level of empathy ▶️ https://psycho-tests.com/test/empathy-test
Day 26: Are you a natural leader or follower ▶️ https://365tests.com/personality-tests/natural-leader-or-follower
Day 27: Are you a judgmental person ▶️ https://www.quizony.com/are-you-a-judgmental-person/index.html
Day 28: Are you an HSP (highly sensitive person)? ▶️ https://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test
Day 29: Do you have imposter syndrome? ▶️ https://psycho-tests.com/test/imposter-syndrome-test
Day 30: Do you have narcissistic personality disorder? ▶️ https://psycho-tests.com/test/narcissism-test
Day 31: Which have you done (bias reality check)? ▶️ https://www.mediapartners.com/which-have-you-done-quiz.html
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