Reflect, Recharge, and Refocus: A Year-End Leadership Exercise

Amber Waugaman, leadership coach, sitting in a white blazer next to a note reading 'Reflect, Recharge, and Refocus: A Year-End Leadership Exercise.'

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As the year comes to a close, it’s a great time to step back and reflect on your journey as a leader (even if you don’t have a formal title). Leadership can feel like a whirlwind of decisions, challenges, and accomplishments and it’s easy to keep pushing forward without pausing to take stock of how far you’ve come. Reflection isn’t just about looking back — it’s also about looking forward and uncovering valuable lessons you can carry into the new year.

Your leadership impact

Leadership is about more than hitting goals. It’s about the influence you have on the people and systems around you. Reflecting on your impact helps you understand where you’ve been effective and where you can improve.

◼️ What impact did my leadership have on my team’s performance, morale, and growth?

◼️ What’s one moment where I felt I made a meaningful difference as a leader?

◼️ Where could I have amplified my impact this year?

Take time to acknowledge the positive effects of your leadership; it’s not only motivating but also a guide for what to continue building.

Key learnings from successes and challenges

Growth comes from both wins and challenges, but leaders often move too quickly to reflect. Thinking about what you’ve learned ensures you can build on your successes and approach challenges differently next time.

◼️ What did my successes teach me about my strengths?

◼️ What did my challenges reveal about areas I could improve?

◼️ How did I demonstrate resilience and adaptability when things didn’t go as planned?

Relationships and influence

In today’s dynamic, multifaceted environment, where problem-solving requires cross-functional collaboration and navigating complex challenges, strong relationships and the ability to influence are no longer “nice to have” — they are essential.

◼️ Did I strengthen my relationships with my team, peers, and stakeholders this year?

◼️ How well did I build trust and credibility?

◼️ Did I give enough time and attention to mentoring and developing others?

How you showed up for yourself

Leadership can be all-consuming, but you can’t lead effectively without prioritizing your own well-being. Reflecting on how you’ve managed your energy and stress is critical for sustained success. When you take care of yourself, you can show up more fully for others.

◼️ How do I feel about my energy levels this year? Did I feel energized or drained most days?

◼️ What caused the most stress and how did I manage it?

◼️ What practices helped me recharge and stay grounded and how can I prioritize them next year?

Your vision for the future

Reflection isn’t just about looking back; it’s preparing for what’s next. Clarifying your focus for the year ahead ensures you’re leading with purpose.

◼️ What’s one leadership habit I want to develop (or strengthen) next year?

◼️ What would success look like for me and my team by the end of next year?

◼️ What’s one way I want to grow as a leader in the coming year?

Closing thoughts

Year-end reflection is an opportunity to refocus and recharge. As you step into the new year, let these insights guide your decisions and strengthen your leadership. If your organization is looking for tools or guidance to develop its leaders, reach out. I specialize in leadership coaching and assessments and would love to help your leaders and teams achieve their goals.

Amber Waugaman, executive leadership coach, headshot alongside logo emphasizing leadership development and coaching expertise.
In today’s fast-paced, rapidly evolving business landscape, effective leadership development is non-negotiable. Clients consistently report that their work with Amber results in elevated leadership skills, increased productivity, reduced turnover, and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness. Clients have built and led high-performing teams, fostered self-accountability, and seen less resistance to change initiatives. Many have attained promotions, boosted their confidence, and taken control of their time and energy.

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