Time management is a common pain point that troubles my clients. When leaders are running on reactive autopilot, it can be very frustrating and demotivating for the team. Take a look at what reactive versus proactive means for you and for your business.
"Leaders who have more time to think and plan will execute tasks more effectively."
📌 keep a journal comparing your to-do list to what actually happens and gets done
📌 make sure you note what kind of expectations you are giving your employees / clients on deadlines and when you are actually completing the work (are you over-promising and under-delivering?)
📌 keep track of how many times you are rescheduling or blowing off commitments
💡 understand full picture of task list and be able to classify items as to what level importance and urgency they are
💡 deliberately carve out time and space (try to be realistic)
💡 time block
💡 batch check your emails (put an auto responder on to set expectations and let people know when to expect a reply)
💡 understand it takes some trial & error and patience
Of course, true urgent emergencies will always pop-up and just because you are proactive in nature doesn’t mean you are rigid and inflexible. Don’t treat everything like an urgent emergency or you might be doing more damage than good.
Use Covey’s 4 Quadrants to increase your productivity. Bonus: coach your employees/team on using this too!
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