3 ways your organization/leadership is operating reactively and why it’s not serving you

One of the biggest ways I see companies and leaders struggle is due to operating reactively. Why do companies tend to operate reactively? In my experience as an Executive Coach, the reason most organizations operate reactively is because they lack a strong, cohesive, highly-effective senior leadership team.
What to do with all of these brand new leaders

Baby Boomers are retiring at a rapid rate (much faster than anticipated – some say the pandemic is the impetus). Millennials, the largest generation in the workforce, are now getting promoted into leadership (people management) positions and they are largely inexperienced, unprepared, and feeling very insecure.
5 reasons why we need to develop leaders

Developing leaders should be a default, non-negotiable in every organization. Over 60% of companies offer NO leadership training (LinkedIn Learning report). Additionally, most organizations don’t seem to track, evaluate, or analyze their turnover/hiring costs (eek!). Choosing not to develop leaders is choosing to remain stagnant.
10 signs your organization needs an Executive Coach

Curious if your organization could benefit from an Executive Coach? Read on.
4 ways to deal with a dysfunctional leader in your organization

Have you identified a dysfunctional, ineffective, inept, poor performing leader in your organization? Not sure what to do about it? Here are 4 ways you can deal with the situation.
Making decisions without thinking through unintended consequences

Often, leaders make decisions without thinking through any unintended consequences. Additionally, leaders overlook potential consequences of inaction or indecision; this can lead to a lack of empathy and compassion, disengagement, and a negative perception from others.
Employees need an outlet to report bad leaders

Given the Great Resignation and the amount of dysfunctional leadership, what option do employees have to address and develop a poor leader? Data shows us that employees leave managers; we have given employees no other option.
Stop saying “return to normal”

Business tasks might be relatively the same, but there has been a fundamental human change that we can’t and shouldn’t ignore.
Reactive or proactive: what’s better for your business?

Time management is a common pain point that troubles my clients. When leaders are running on reactive autopilot, it can be very frustrating and demotivating for the team. Take a look at what reactive versus proactive means for you and for your business.
Hands-off leadership is lazy leadership

My perspective is that hands-off leadership is lazy leadership. And that is because some ~60% of our leaders have never received leadership training. We promote based on technical skills and we don’t provide leaders with the tools necessary to lead. Therefore, leaders tend to focus solely on task management and they are “hands off” with the people management aspect. And this makes sense! There’s a natural tendency to want to “get out of the way” because it’s the easy thing to do.
Great Resignation & 5 ways the pandemic has changed our view of work

Facebook Live video discussing the “Great Resignation” and 5 ways the pandemic has changed our view of work
How COVID has changed our perspective of work

COVID is changing how we view work and careers. It’s prompting an awareness and introspection around how we want to live our lives.