Stop spinning your wheels: track progress that actually sticks
Wondering if your leadership development efforts are truly making an impact? Discover how setting clear progress markers can transform abstract goals into visible milestones, fueling motivation, accountability, and growth for you and your team. Learn practical strategies to measure and celebrate your progress, refine your approach, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.
The $227,000 leadership problem
Here’s a typical example of how an organization may be losing $227,000 per year due to ineffective leadership that often goes unnoticed or is overlooked.
Who should receive leadership coaching?
Who should receive leadership coaching to maximize its impact? Despite the clear benefits, many organizations hesitate to invest in leadership coaching due to budget constraints.
6 tips for succession planning (for leaders & HR)
Succession planning mitigates risk, optimizes resources, engages employees, and improves innovation and performance. Building your next generation of leaders is contingent upon retaining your employees. Getting them involved in a leadership pipeline early on will keep them engaged and challenged.
The missing piece in learning
One huge reason that learning and training is ineffective is because there is no plan in place to test out the new skills and behaviors and to receive ongoing support. Training is useless without this missing piece.
How to create a culture of accountability
Many organizations struggle at creating a culture of accountability. While it’s definitely something that is more helpful when it’s done at a higher-level, there are certain things you can do to implement this on your team, or across several teams.
Most training fails: 4 ways to implement learning for maximum impact
If you want your training and development to have the highest ROI (return on investment) and value for the organization, here are 4 strategies.
How do we incentivize high quality leadership?
I met with someone recently who wanted some career advice because the last two organizations he worked for, he ended up with “awful, awful, awful leaders” (his exact words) – so much so that he quit shortly after starting – both times.
Q&A: What do I do with a leader whose actions don’t match their words?
I was asked this question recently during the Q&A section of a workshop I did. The person who asked the question managed the leader. Here’s my answer…
5 key roles that leaders play
Leaders play many roles and you may be transitioning between these roles unconsciously and unintentionally. Perhaps you’re over-doing one role and under-utilizing another role or you don’t recognize all of the different roles that you can perform.
Leadership 101: 5 things that define leadership
Most leaders don’t receive any leadership training and they are left wondering what leadership is or what it looks like. Here are 5 foundational items you should know about leadership.
The true cost of turnover
Turnover is EXPENSIVE and it’s an expensive way to operate your business. Companies tend to take a reactive approach and overlook employee retention; many leaders don’t realize HOW expensive turnover is. It’s a problem that can be solved (if employers want to solve it).