Discover your work style

What’s your preferred way of working? Hot buttons? Help your team understand each other better and be more productive. 

5 dangers of a workplace martyr

The workplace martyr. We all know who this person is (or maybe it’s lots of people if the organization has created a culture that rewards face time over output/accomplishments). Work martyrs most likely don’t realize how their behavior affects others.

4 crucial elements for holding effective & productive meetings

Developing Leaders

One of the biggest things I hear from clients, sponsors, and stakeholders is that #1) meetings take up too much of their time; #2) meetings AREN’T productive and often they aren’t even sure of the purpose of the meeting or why they were included. YIKES. This is an expensive inefficiency. Here’s how to make your meetings effective & productive. Pro tip: this takes strong leadership to implement and sustain.

Productivity is plunging. Why?

What’s the reason for this recent severe drop in productivity in 2022? Employees? The pandemic? The labor shortage? Dysfunctional leaders?

Trust: earned or given in the workplace?

This can be an extremely emotionally charged topic. My intention with this is to educate you on why there’s often so much distrust at work, to provide you with a more zoomed-out perspective on trust, and to help you think about the crucial role trust plays in a high-performing team.

Bad Leader Chronicle: Toxic leader

Recently, a client emailed me a lengthy email thread between her and her boss and asked me for advice. I was APPALLED at the level of unprofessionalism and the lack of character her boss exhibited.

Why seeking perfection instead of progress is hurting you

How many of you are perfectionists? Perfectionism might be negatively affecting your self-esteem and confidence levels. Does perfectionism cause you paralysis when you have to work on a task or make a decision? Do you avoid things because of fearing failure or mistakes?

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