✔️ Have your questions mapped out ahead of time
✔️ Conduct them 1:1 (and aim to do them with the entire team within a short period of time)
✔️ Listen to understand and gather information
✔️ Probe for more information – “tell me more”, “what one example can you give me?”, etc.
✔️ Thank them for being honest and sharing
✔️ Document the feedback
✔️ Share plans to address feedback (and make it timely!)
✔️ Make it an informal conversation
✔️ Give your full attention
✔️ Look for patterns/trends
✔️ Seek assistance / support if you aren’t sure how to approach or act on feedback
✔️ Conduct them on a regular basis
✔️ Remember that the ultimate goal is everyone working together toward a common mission
✔️ Create a way to track changes (with goals and clear success measures) and communicate consistently
📌 What do you look forward to each day at work?
📌 What are you learning here and what else do you want to learn?
📌 Why do you stay here?
📌 When is the last time you thought about leaving us and what prompted it?
📌 What can I do to make your job better for you?
📌 Do I tell you when you do something well?
📌 Do I say and do things to help you do your job better?
📌 What are three ways I can be a better manager for you?
📌 What can I do more of as your manager? Less of as your manager?
📌 What do you dread about work every day?
📌 What would tempt you to leave the company?
📌 Which of your talents are you not using in your current role?
📌 Do you feel you’re getting clear goals & objectives?
📌 What do you think of the L&D opportunities that are available to you?
📌 Do you feel valued and recognized in the company / on the team?
📌 What do you feel we should definitely change about or add to our offices?
📌 What are we currently not doing as a company that you feel we should?
📌 Do you have enough tools & resources to do your job properly? If not, what is missing?
📌 What software/tool should we stop using right away?
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