It’s you, not the questions you ask

It’s not just about the questions you ask—your delivery and demeanor can make or break the impact. Are you creating the kind of space where real insight and growth can happen? Discover three key ways to shift your approach and transform your conversations.
How to use empathetic responses to drive employee satisfaction

Curious how you can drive employee satisfaction? We all have a strong inclination to offer unsolicited advice/solutions, solve problems for others, or automatically provide direction. While there are definitely times when this approach is appropriate, it should be used intentionally, as it may not always help someone feel truly heard or valued.
5 things you’re doing as a leader that irritate your employees

Let’s be frank here. There’s a high probability that you are doing many things that are pissing off your employees.
16 employee retention ideas

On a recent LinkedIn poll, nearly 100% of you said that employee retention was important. Most reasons why employees leave can be prevented.
The true cost of turnover

Turnover is EXPENSIVE and it’s an expensive way to operate your business. Companies tend to take a reactive approach and overlook employee retention; many leaders don’t realize HOW expensive turnover is. It’s a problem that can be solved (if employers want to solve it).
5 dangers of a workplace martyr

The workplace martyr. We all know who this person is (or maybe it’s lots of people if the organization has created a culture that rewards face time over output/accomplishments). Work martyrs most likely don’t realize how their behavior affects others.
Best practices for onboarding new employees

I don’t know about you, but in my 14+ years of working in the corporate world, I only experienced excellent onboarding in one job. Every other job though? Hot messes! I was consistently sent into the fire and told to “figure it out” as I go.
When is “hands off” too hands off? Are you an absentee leader?

I’m hoping to provide you with some general guidelines or things to think about when determining your level of involvement as a leader.
How to effectively share your work style & communication preferences

Wouldn’t it be helpful if we understood ourselves well enough and we felt confident enough to share with others our quirks and hot buttons in order to help them communicate more effectively with us?
How to give up control and delegate

This is something extremely common I hear leaders struggling with; most importantly, I hear it as a frustration from people about their boss or someone in their organization who is a micromanager or can’t let go and delegate. The ability to loosen your grip will actually make you more successful as a leader.
How to conduct stay interviews that are effective

Stay interviews are essential if you care and see the benefits of retaining talent. “Employers can’t fix what they don’t understand” was the quote in a recent article I read; if you aren’t regularly conducting stay interviews, then you don’t truly understand why people are choosing to leave the organization.
Clients or employees? Who gets priority?

Everywhere I’ve worked has prioritized customers and clients on a pedestal above everyone else. I’ve had bosses and potential bosses cancel meetings & interviews last-minute due to client ‘fire drills’ (needless to say – I am skeptical of who was placing the urgency on these tasks).