It’s you, not the questions you ask

It’s not just about the questions you ask—your delivery and demeanor can make or break the impact. Are you creating the kind of space where real insight and growth can happen? Discover three key ways to shift your approach and transform your conversations.
How to use empathetic responses to drive employee satisfaction

Curious how you can drive employee satisfaction? We all have a strong inclination to offer unsolicited advice/solutions, solve problems for others, or automatically provide direction. While there are definitely times when this approach is appropriate, it should be used intentionally, as it may not always help someone feel truly heard or valued.
Can you lead & influence without having formal authority?

I’m often asked “How can I influence if I don’t have formal authority over that person or team?” This is one particular topic that seems to be a roadblock for leaders.
Q&A: What do I do with a leader whose actions don’t match their words?

I was asked this question recently during the Q&A section of a workshop I did. The person who asked the question managed the leader. Here’s my answer…
Stop invalidating others in the workplace

Read this to understand how you’re invalidating others, why validation is important, find out consequences of invalidation, and what you can do with this information.
What are your communication preferences?

How do you prefer to receive and share information? Help your team understand each other better and be more productive.
Discover your work style

What’s your preferred way of working? Hot buttons? Help your team understand each other better and be more productive.
4 crucial elements for holding effective & productive meetings

One of the biggest things I hear from clients, sponsors, and stakeholders is that #1) meetings take up too much of their time; #2) meetings AREN’T productive and often they aren’t even sure of the purpose of the meeting or why they were included. YIKES. This is an expensive inefficiency. Here’s how to make your meetings effective & productive. Pro tip: this takes strong leadership to implement and sustain.
How to build trust with your team

Interested in learning how to build trust with your team, employees, peers, superiors? Read on to find out.
Trust: earned or given in the workplace?

This can be an extremely emotionally charged topic. My intention with this is to educate you on why there’s often so much distrust at work, to provide you with a more zoomed-out perspective on trust, and to help you think about the crucial role trust plays in a high-performing team.
Bad Leader Chronicle: Vague, unhelpful feedback

Providing an employee with feedback that you “want to see them demonstrate more leadership behavior” is UNHELPFUL feedback.
Bad Leader Chronicle: Ineffective Feedback

When you try to express constructive information to a leader and they respond with ineffective feedback.