Reflected Best Self Exercise

We’re often blind to our own strengths. Use this exercise to understand how others perceive you and to gain awareness around your unique value proposition.
Why most attempts at behavior change fail

Initiating behavior change is hard! The word “hard” is probably a severe understatement. What you truly need is your own buy-in and clarity around what the implications will be if you don’t make the change.
How negative self-talk and firmly held beliefs are holding you back

These negative self-talk thoughts can be so subconscious that we don’t even realize they’re happening. We also automatically make them a fact, without challenging them or their validity. This can be majorly holding you back from achieving your goals, reaching your potential, feeling confident and secure, and exhibiting highly-effective competencies.
How to take charge of your own growth and development

I consistently have people tell me that they are disengaged, unmotivated, or unclear of a path for growth within their company. And then I also hear some of you tell me that you think you’ve accomplished everything you’ve wanted to accomplish in your job and are seeking other ways to grow and develop yourself.
The downsides of saying “yes” to every request

Saying “yes” to every request will: (1) cause burnout; (2) set a precedent; (3) set unrealistic expectations; (4) means you are saying “no” to potentially some other important items.
After 14 years of working full-time, here’s what I learned…

Here are 10 things I learned after working 14+ years full-time in the corporate world.
Manage up and express needs to your boss

It’s time to manage up and express your needs and expectations to your boss. We often sit back and assume that our boss has all of the answers and that they know how to be a good leader.
Improve the quality of your 1:1s

Tips to improve the quality of your 1:1s – from both the leader & employee perspective.
Is work your identity?

Have you ever realized that the first question most people ask when they meet you is “what do you do?” When I was working full time in the corporate world and someone asked me that question, I experienced such a repulsive reaction because my job did not define who I am.
It’s okay to QUIT!

Growing up, we’re taught that we shouldn’t be quitters… that we should stick it out even if we’re unhappy. Kind of like the belief that work should be a struggle because it builds character.
Pandemic takeaways & new perceptions of work

During the pandemic, people had a fair amount of time to reflect and assess what they want from their work and personal lives – and what role they want their job to play in their overall life.
Play to your strengths

Playing to your strengths leads to more motivation, a more positive work environment, and a large increase in engagement.