When is “hands off” too hands off? Are you an absentee leader?
I’m hoping to provide you with some general guidelines or things to think about when determining your level of involvement as a leader.
I’m hoping to provide you with some general guidelines or things to think about when determining your level of involvement as a leader.
Wouldn’t it be helpful if we understood ourselves well enough and we felt confident enough to share with others our quirks and hot buttons in order to help them communicate more effectively with us?
Here are my top tips for being a highly-effective leader. If you’re aiming to develop your leadership skills, it’s going to take effort, time, and patience. Be realistic with yourself and most importantly, be kind to yourself.
This is something extremely common I hear leaders struggling with; most importantly, I hear it as a frustration from people about their boss or someone in their organization who is a micromanager or can’t let go and delegate. The ability to loosen your grip will actually make you more successful as a leader.
These negative self-talk thoughts can be so subconscious that we don’t even realize they’re happening. We also automatically make them a fact, without challenging them or their validity. This can be majorly holding you back from achieving your goals, reaching your potential, feeling confident and secure, and exhibiting highly-effective competencies.
I consistently have people tell me that they are disengaged, unmotivated, or unclear of a path for growth within their company. And then I also hear some of you tell me that you think you’ve accomplished everything you’ve wanted to accomplish in your job and are seeking other ways to grow and develop yourself.
Stay interviews are essential if you care and see the benefits of retaining talent. “Employers can’t fix what they don’t understand” was the quote in a recent article I read; if you aren’t regularly conducting stay interviews, then you don’t truly understand why people are choosing to leave the organization.
I often find that companies have no idea where to start when it comes to development for leaders & professionals. Ambiguity around development should not be a reason that you don’t move forward with it.
Everywhere I’ve worked has prioritized customers and clients on a pedestal above everyone else. I’ve had bosses and potential bosses cancel meetings & interviews last-minute due to client ‘fire drills’ (needless to say – I am skeptical of who was placing the urgency on these tasks).
Often, there is a large disconnect between leaders and ‘on the ground’ levels of organizations. As people start to move up in the organization, they start to prioritize their focus on the higher levels and they lose sight of something very crucial: the true pulse of the organization.
How often do you evaluate your leadership effectiveness? Daily? Weekly? Quarterly? Annually (at performance review time)? Never?
One of the biggest ways I see companies and leaders struggle is due to operating reactively. Why do companies tend to operate reactively? In my experience as an Executive Coach, the reason most organizations operate reactively is because they lack a strong, cohesive, highly-effective senior leadership team.
I’ve been coaching leaders for nearly 15 years, and I have a passion for helping organizations and individuals succeed. Thanks for checking out my blog!
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