9 current challenges that clients are seeking coaching for

You might be experiencing similar challenges. Here’s what people are currently seeking coaching for. 
✔️ #1) leading without authority (not empowered)
✔️ #2) communication, influencing, getting buy-in
✔️ #3) time management and boundaries
✔️ #4) navigating difficult employees, colleagues, and stakeholders
✔️ #5) stress, burnout, resilience
✔️ #6) having a boss who doesn’t provide the appropriate support or training 
✔️ #7) retaining and engaging employees
✔️ #8) executive presence 
✔️ #9) you want to learn how they are perceived by others to have a more cohesive, productive team OR an organization wants to use a 360 to understand how a leader is perceived and if they are aligned with organization initiatives and growth
What coaching could look like for you or your organization: 
▶️ ad-hoc sessions – frequency and cadence determined by you based on your (specific or broad) objectives 
▶️ 10 sessions (or a certain number of sessions) where: I select the topics (because you don’t know what you don’t know), you pick from a buffet of topics, or we wing it 
▶️ once monthly long-term for support – for those who like predictability and peace of mind
▶️ organizations: offer a certain number of sessions per month where leaders (or anyone) can sign-up to utilize 
▶️ 360 assessments for leaders: I perform the 360, gather and analyze the data, create an action plan, give feedback, then coach for success while tracking progress 
The nice thing about what I do and how I prefer to operate is that it’s fully personalized and customizable. The downside of that is: it can be hard to wrap your head around or know what the options are, especially if you don’t know what you don’t know. That’s where I come in. You can find more information here: http://awcoach.co/leadership-development
Many HR leaders come to me asking to better understand what highly-effective leadership is and what it looks like. Kudos to them for putting in the effort to learn. I think this goes to show that educating in this area is much needed! 
If you or someone in your organization is experiencing similar challenges and you want to talk about how coaching could help, reach out. 
Many organizations struggle with issues like high turnover, burnout, low productivity, gossip/politics, and ineffective leadership. Amber offers an easy-to-start streamlined solution through one-on-one leadership coaching, administering & debriefing Hogan assessments, dynamic leadership workshops, and personalized strategic guidance. The result? Reduced turnover, improved productivity and innovation, and a strategic and thriving workplace. Ready to discover how coaching can benefit your organization?